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CO2 Fractional Laser

CO2 Fractional Laser

Cosmetic Clinic are proud to be one of the first clinics in Sheffield to provide the premium VJUVE Fractional CO2 Laser system, offering our patients the proven technology and the best available treatment for laser skin resurfacing and dermal rejuvenation

We are offering Rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolletage, hands, the versatility of Fractional CO2 Laser allows us to treat challenging skin concerns.

Rejuvenation of the skin
​Crow's feet around the eyes
Upper lip lines
​Pucker marks (smoker's lines) and frown lines
​Brown spots, pigmentation, sun damage
​Blotchy, uneven skin tone
​Stretch marks
​Open pores
​Scars, especially acne scars
​Loose skin around the neck and jow

The fractional CO2 skin resurfacing laser is a powerful tool In skin rejuvenation. The fractional CO2 Laser delivers perfectly controlled energy pulses into the surface of the skin. The rapid and short bursts of controlled heat results in the ablation of the epidermis and a thermal effect to the skin  which penetrates into the dermis. A fraction of the outer layer of skin is removed, as layer of the epidermis is shed. This causes the stimulation of collagen and elastin production and as a result  a contraction and tightening and new fresh skin.

CO2 Fractional Laser

The CO2 Fractional laser omits columns of laser energy which is delivered onto the skin in an evenly spaced grid. The recovery time is faster than a conventional CO2 laser as CO2 fractional laser resurfacing only treats part of the skin leaving untreated skin between the treated site, this acts as a barrier, the promoting quicker healing and a faster recovery.

Post Treatment

Immediately after treatment, most patients will experience redness (erythema) of the skin for 1-3 days, however for more aggressive treatments this may last longer.

Moderate swelling (oedema) and a sunburn sensation are also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days.

Bronzing of the skin (like an exaggerated tan) may occur at day 2 to 5. This is more noticeable in darker skin types.

Peeling/shedding of the skin usually occurs at day 4 to 7.

Immediately following the procedure, dryness of the skin is treated using ALOE, to soothe the skin. This is reapplied by the patient at home the day of treatment.

Sun exposure is avoided for at least 3 months and a SPF of 50 must be applied daily to protect the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays.​​​