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Perfect Peel

Botox Sheffield, Fillers Sheffield, Nurse Louise Beer

The Perfect Peel is a revolutionary peel that will transform your skin into younger, healthier looking skin in just one week! The Perfect Peel can be used on all skin types and requires no pre-peel skin preparation. The Perfect Peel process takes less than 15 minutes and is virtually pain free. The Perfect Peel is a medical grade peel with a pH of between 1.3 and 1.4 and must be applied by a trained professional.

Botox Sheffield, Fillers Sheffield, Nurse Louise Beer

The Perfect Peel combines 12% or less of the following: Glutathione, Kojic Acid, TCA, Retinoic Acid, Phenol, Salicylic Acid and a blend of minerals and vitamins, including vitamin C. The anti-oxidant Glutathione neutralises the harmful effects of Free Radicals and actually slows down the aging process and prevents wrinkles. Kojic Acid is a powerful lightening agent and proven to increase collagen and elastin production, resulting in skin that is brighter and tighter. TCA, Phenol and Retinoic Acid reduce wrinkles and correct pigment problems, while Salicylic Acid exfoliates the skin and reduces inflammation. Alone the ingredients are powerful, but in combination they produce results that are ASTONISHING.

Following are just some of the predictable results you can expect

  • Improve the overall tone and texture of your skin
  • Lighten and brighten your skin
  • Remove or reduce sun damage and age spots
  • Reduce pore size and soften fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce or eliminate Hyperpigmentation and acne scars
  • Improve acne skin conditions and Melasma
  • Stimulate the production of collagen resulting in firmer skin
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Softens wrinkles

The procedure

The skin is prepared and the peel applied in clinic, you are then able to go home and resume your normal daily activities. You take home an aftercare kit which you will use for the following 2 days post peel. The skin will begin to shed at about day 3, it my begin to shed sooner with some people, this is quite normal.
You are asked not to pull off any loose skin as this may lead to scaring. Instead we ask our clients to cut off any loose skin with clean scissors or to allow it to fall off naturally. The skin may take a few days to complete the peeling process. It may appear puffy and could feel a little sore during this time.
You are provided with a Perfect Peel moisturising cream to help with the healing phase. You must protect your new fresh skin with a SPF of above 30 as your new skin will be prone to UV damage.